Northern Alberta - The Proving Ground

 It hasn't been the greatest week in Kings history.  The team lost to Chicago, a team that is arguably playing much better.  They beat the Kraken, then got punched in the mouth and destroyed by the same.  Following that, the Kings got their asses handed to them in Edmonton, yet somehow came away with a crucial point.  Then the win against the Flames breathed a bit of life back in the club hopefully.  How does one interpret this schizophrenic performance.  Actually, with quite a bit of optomism.

In soccer, or futbol, ya that sport where panzies take a dive every five seconds and the leagues encourage it, teams routinely control the pace and tempo of the game, dominating posession and chances on goal, only to loose one zero.  Hockey is typically a bit different, but not always.  As in many sports, finishing counts.  Dominating possession time doesn't count on the scoreboard.

I have to admint, that watching game two against the Kraken was miserable.  It was as if I was watching some thug pummel my best friend who wouldn't fight back.  The Kings just curled up into a ball and took it.  Then, they followed that up with an even worse performance for the first period and a half against Edmonton.  I had visions of Rob Schneider in the Waterboy, "Oh no!  We suck again."  

In between wretches from the sickening play, I was wondering what had happened to the young guys who had showed so much promise.  While I had expected them to show a bit more  heart out of the gate against Edmonton, especially after the Kraken debacle, we finally did get to see something positive.  

Most teams, except Edmonton aparently, can win when things are going well.  Good teams, teams that win in the playoffs, find a way to win when things go poorly.  Over the last two games, we got to see some of that from our boys.  They showed the ability to score opportunistically, and to tough it out when everything seems to be working against them.  

Finally, deep into the second period against the Oilers, the Kings began to right the ship.  Emerging from the ashes, was the Byfield line.  Their performances have been steadily improving, but over the last game and a half, they have proven that teams will have to start game planning around them.  They forcheck hard, get in the lanes, cycle with grit, and have the speed and skill to hold the puck and take some pressure off the defense.  Oh ya, they have some offensive talent too.  This may be line number one sooner than we think.

In addition to the play of these guys, we saw our Goaltenders, once again, keep this team in games.  Our goal tending is very solid right now, something that is invaluable heading into the playoffs.  The ageless wonder, and the still wet behind the ears upstart have given this team the confidence to never quit (except against the Kraken) and to keep fighting.  As a result, while this team was not at their best, they salvaged three points against two of Canada's darlings and divisional rivals.  

Yes, this team hasn't played great.  Yes, they did suck for a good chunk of this week.  No, neither the players nor the fans should loose heart.  There is still some go juice left in the tank.  The only question left, is do we trade Quick for a used puck bag, or some moldy jocks?  Sadly, I don't think he'll clear waivers so we'll have to wait for Summer.  


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