
Showing posts from January, 2020

What Now?

What Now? It has not been a good season.  Obviously the position of the Kings at or near the bottom of the standings for nearly the entirety of 2019, and now a continued slide in 2020 says more than I ever could.  Our woes seem to reach ever deeper though. I mused to a friend of mine that I had themed this season "We Can't Win."  Sadly, it fits.  I keep looking for bright spots, but the truth is, I simply am not enjoying watching the games.  The Kings' play in their own zone is so bad that I think we should check Soupy and Quicky for both whiplash and concussions.  Both are having to move pipe to pipe and back again so often, it's almost as if we are watching tennis. When the Kings  do manage to enter the offensive zone, sometimes they look ok.  There are bright spots, but it is never enough it seems.  Here we easily see the biggest disappointment of the season in Tyler Toffoli languidly miss quality opportunity after quality opportunit...