
Showing posts from June, 2018

It's About Time

A couple of years ago, I about came out of my skin in frustration and anger at both the NHL, and the fans across North America.  Anze Kopitar had been left out of the All Star game.   Daryl Sutter was an amazing coach that helped make the dreams of LA hockey players and fans come true, but his system of play not only reduced scoring by the other team, but by the Kings players as well.  Kopi's stat line wasn't flashy, and to someone that didn't watch him night in and night out, he didn't stand out.  If you did watch him night in and night out, if you did play against him, there could be no doubt that he is the best player on the ice.  I knew it, the coaches in the NHL knew it, the players in the NHL knew it, but few others did. Kopitar was recently awarded the Selke trophy, and despite some legitimate contenders, he clearly deserved it, in addition to deserving it for the last six years.  In addition to winning the Selke, he finished in third place...